Monday, December 11, 2006

New iSound Cap for iPod

iSoundCap Inc., announces their latest cap for runners. This new cap is made with a breathable, lightweight mesh fabric and places the iPod in protective neoprene. Not only are there no wires hanging below the head when running, but the iPod remains secure and is sweat resistant.
The latest running caps also complement the colors of the second generation iPod Nano: pink, silver, green, black, red and blue. The newest iSoundCap for the avid runner is also compatible with the Nike+iPod Sport Kit, the latest in high-tech runner's aid. The kit consists of a gadget the size of a quarter that drops into your shoe and connects with the wireless receiver attached to the Nano. The Nike+iPod Kit is used in conjunction with the iPod and allows the runner to upload their distance, time and caloric data. In most cases there is an armband or belt clip that goes with the Nike+iPod Kit that leaves wires hanging and in the way. The iSoundCap for runners allows them to place their iPod in the cap where the wires are neatly tucked away inside the cap making their running experience virtually wire-free.

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